Three-Fifths Magazine
"Wasn't the Revolution Televised?"
Highlighted Conciliar Post Articles:
"C.S. Lewis and the Critique of Practicality"

"Let Justice Roll Down: A Short Reflection on MLK and Amos 5:24"
"'I Have to Make a Faith Act': The Story Behind the Letter from a Birmingham Jail"

"Infinite Human Desire: The Afterlife of 'The Good Place' as Affirmation of Christian Hope"

"Divine Dissatisfaction Part 2: Joy as the Realization of the Beloved Community"

To view all of my Conciliar Post articles, visit my author page:
Yet Alive Magazine
"Bias and White Supremacy"
"Conversion and Radical Love: The Goal of Christian Antiracist Work"

Podcast Interview
"Creative Rage and the Beloved Community" interview by Lauren Larkin on the Sancta Colloquia podcast